Reviews from Hong Kong

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Tough Beauty And The Sloppy Slop (1995) Cheapo actioner with silly name 2002-03-27 Simon
T.H.E. Professionals (1998) Heat? What's that? :D 2002-03-25 Simon
Skyline Cruisers (2000) Yes, it really is that bad :( 2002-03-25 Simon
Madam City Hunter (1993) Mad City Hunter, I think they meant ;-) 2002-03-23 Simon
Red Wolf (1995) Throw-away action movie 2002-03-16 Simon
Fun and Fury (1992) Cool 2002-03-14 Simon
Thunderbolt (1995) Good movie, not typical "Jackie Chan" though 2002-03-13 Simon
The Blacksheep Affair (1998) Expect the worst, and it might be a pleasant surprise 2002-03-11 Simon
2002 (2001) Pretty good 'blockbuster' style movie 2002-03-11 Simon
Tian Di (1994) It's not that bad, cynics! 2002-03-10 Simon
Ghostly Bus (1995) Marvellous low budget gem 2002-03-10 Simon
In The Line Of Duty V: Middle Man (1990) Nice stunts 2002-03-06 Simon
Dirty Tiger, Crazy Frog (1978) Good fun, good fights 2002-03-04 Simon
The Avenging Fist (2001) Fun, Thrilling and thoroughly good looking 2002-03-03 Simon
Gunmen (1988) Not a great example of film-making 2002-02-27 Simon
Wicked City (1992) Insanely ambitious, even by Tsui Hark standards 2002-02-25 Simon
God Of Gamblers Returns (1994) Decent successor 2002-02-25 Simon
God Of Gamblers (1989) No doubt about it, a classic 2002-02-25 Simon
Peace Hotel (1995) Nice idea, shame about the movie 2002-02-22 Simon
Magnificent Warriors (1987) Some of the best action sequences ever filmed 2002-02-22 Simon
Bullets Of Love (2001) Surprisingly good movie 2002-02-18 Simon
Nightmares In Precinct 7 (2001) Not really a horror movie, but a good thriller 2002-02-17 Simon
Sharp Guns (2001) Not a 'quality' movie, but not painful to watch 2002-02-07 Simon
Gorgeous (1999) Sweet and well produced romantic comedy starring Shu Qi 2002-02-07 Simon
When Fortune Smiles (1990) Fantastic comedy 2002-02-03 Simon
Treasure Hunt (1994) Worth watching for the good bits 2002-02-03 Simon
Dr Wai & The Scripture With No Words (1996) Lunatic fun, and points for ambition 2002-02-03 Simon
Operation Pink Squad (1988) Uneven but engaging 2002-02-03 Simon
Final Justice (1988) Solid but standard movie 2002-02-03 Simon
All For The Winner (1990) Great Stephen Chiau movie 2002-02-03 Simon

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